Friday, March 21, 2014

The heart of the matter

Those of us in the field of helping other people know one thing always rings true:  Problems and the origins seem to all be universal.  Divorce, unemployment, financial issues, in-law problems, etc. all seem to be the same for everyone who experiences them.  Recently, I was observing leaves.  I noticed all the different types of leaves that we have in our yard.  Leaves are not all universal!  They are original and unique in and of themselves!  As I noticed this, I realized that this parallels with the originality of each person God created.  People are all unique and individual in and of themselves.  Yes, problems that people have all have similarities, but people are not equal to their problems!  Rather each of us is unique in the perspectives that we have!  The heart of the matter is this:  Those of us serving in the various capacities that help others must realize that once we begin to see people equal to those problems we have lost COMPASSION!  Compassion is the ability to see beyond a problem that person has and be in awe of each individual's uniqueness and originality!  We must never lose sight of how God views a person!  If we have, we need to go and collect some leaves today!  Ask God to reveal to you just how special each leave is that He has created!  He will restore to you a compassion for those people who are even more special to Him than all the leaves in the world! 

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