Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Imagine an unfailing love!

Imagine being loved so much that it never fails, never quits, never walks away, never gets a divorce, never wonders why in the world you were the object of that love in the first place.....or even more astounding....NEVER looks away for one minute, one second in doubt, dismay, anger, impatience, boredom!!  If we knew love like this existed, wouldn't you want to sign the dotted line and claim it for yourself?  I did!  I discovered that God is a very personal, and loving God!  Here is a verse for today that should make each of us decide to take the road to discovering God's love:

Deuteronomy 7:9
Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.

He is God!  He is faithful!  He keeps His promises!  He lavishes His unfailing love on us!  Not just for a second, a minute, an hour, or a year of time, but for thousands of generations!  Thousands!  I have been lucky in my lifetime to love for a period of time and even a strong love that I thought would last forever, failed miserably!  

I had it all wrong though.  God's love endures the test of time and notice the verse tells that those of us who love Him and obey the set of life rules that He loving wrote out for us to keep us from sin's consequences....well we will be filled to overflowing with the love He will lavish freely on us!  I needed to love God first.  Without knowing Him, without loving Him, I wasn't able to love myself which lead to my inability to love others.  

I am glad that God's love is so faithful and enduring that thousands and thousands of years can pass and He remains unwavering in His promises!

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